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Michaels Birthday |
Fleisner along with numerous friends from around the world celebrated his
50th birthday in Rudyard and the surrounding area. After flying into
the Greatfalls airport on Saturday, April 26,2008, touring the Charlie
Russell Museum and eating supper they journeyed to Fort Benton to spend the
night at the Grand Union Hotel and take in a community fund raiser.
Early Sunday afternoon they were met at the
hotel by various Hi-Line area volunteers in vintage vehicles who transported them to
Rudyard to tour the museums. Following that they attended a showing of the movie titled
"Easy Rider" at the HiLine Theatre followed by a short power point
presentation by his friends. They soon joined various volunteers who
had helped in the restoration of the vintage auto museum building and
friends for a pitchfork fondue, followed by a dance featuring
Sax Cadillac.
They all joined in celebrating Michael Fleisner's birthday along with Bobby
Toner's. The next couple days the adventure continued, by motorhome,
motorcycle and various vehicles to Yellowstone National Park & Chico Hot Springs
. They bid Montana farewell saying they would soon return & the people
of the Hi-line hope they do. |